Return the Favor
Animation and Vlogs related to the animated short film graduation project
What is "Return the Favor"?
During her 2nd year at Tokyo Design Academy's vocational school, Mar created a short animated film together with 4 classmates and the animation department teacher's help.
The story can be understood independently, but it actually belongs within Windy Lightning of the Believe in Fake Magic saga. It evolves around Wendel and the white dragon, sometime after Windy Lightning's chapter 5 (still unreleased).
The Animation
Trailer and Promos
Final piece
The 23 Video Blogs
Making of videos
While creating the animation, Mar recorded bits and pieces of the process, the things she was learning, and her feelings about it all. In them you can see the animation school department, software used and learn more things about studying animation in Japan.
Project visuals
On the portfolio page and all around this website, you will see some glimpses of the art for this project. Also, our supporters can find scattered extra content related to Return the Favor on our Patreon.